Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank you for all of your love, care and prayers. Thinking of me and watching out for me. I'm doing okay with all the procedures, but I'm just exhausted and ready to be better. Can't wait to see everyone and...I just want water. 

It's amazing when the small things in life can mean so much to me now that I can't experience or have them. I hope to see you all soon.

I would love to hear from you all, but if you could please use this blog for messages...which I want... so my phone doesn't die.



  1. It's great to hear from you in person (via blog). Always knew the call on your life was a special one. I'm thinking things like this will deepen your perspective and make you more aware than the majority of people your age of what's important. God is faithful. love, Aunt Betsy

  2. JONNY HALVERSEN!!! All I have to say is AHHH, you scared the crap out of me, and probably everyone, buuuut yeah. Please get better, and this time i say it don't get worse. I'm talking to you one day and the next your kidneys are freaking out and when I ask you how your feeling you don't respond. Well I'll talk to you more when you're feeling better. BTW my cell phone fell into the hot tub so it's not working up to par if you try to text me. it might take a while to respond. haha I'll tell you the story when you come home.
    ~ Cassidy Hein :D

  3. little J!!
    you need to get better real quick so you can come back to school already. we miss you! being in the hospital must suck especially since we can't come see you. stupid oregon! haha seriously though we're thinking about you and praying for you to feel better soon.
    love from your best friends,
    michelley-belly & tubby-lubby

  4. Hi Jonny,

    Hope today is more fun than Sabbath and that you're doing better. We were so sorry to hear how sick you were, but you're being prayed for at PUC, PUCE, clearly Prep (though I'm not cool enough to actually know what's going on there) and beyond! Pastor Tim remembered you in a special way during church on Sabbath.

    I'll be so glad to hear when you and your folks are safely home!

    Sara Kakazu

  5. Hey Jonny!
    In case anyone hasn't told you the guys won the tournament!! they played MBA and killed them!! We girls got to the finals and also played MBA... They were really lame cause all the MBA fans were booing us... haha but it was so much fun! sorry you missed it! i miss you! hope your getting better and i'm praying for you as well as my family!! GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
