Saturday, January 24, 2009

Next up...

Not feeling to good today. Might have a little to do with having malfunctioning kidneys'. He's up for another transfusion tonight, and is planning on another exciting hook-up on the dialysis machine tomorrow morning. We're also hoping to try some jello or popsicles to have food for the first time in five days.


  1. Hey Jonny:

    Jon Reynolds here - sorry to hear all the stuff you're dealing with...

    You would have liked Praise Time at the Thursday morning week of prayer - My band rocked it...

    Maybe a couple of things to lighten the mood...

    ~You can watch Portland Trailblazers games for free...

    ~It only rains 300 days a year in Oregon....

    ~You can steal catheters and use them as drumsticks...

    ~You probably have cute nurses....

    ~You get to learn crap about Vitamins A and B12..

    And lastly.

    ~You get the best excuse to miss school EVER

    Get better dude!


  2. Hi Jonny,

    This is a get well message from Uncle Brent, Aunt Carla, Conor and Brock. Hope you getter better soon! We are praying for you, and our church is too. For a great passage for you from the Bible read or have someone read to you Psalm 103: 1-5. Hope to see you sometime soon. Maybe after you are all well you can come and give Conor and Brock some skateboarding tips - they have a better board now. Our love and prayers are with you!

    -Uncle Brent, Aunt Carla, Conor and Brock
