Monday, February 2, 2009

Dr. Visit

This morning we met with the new nephrologist in Sacramento, Dr. Keith Lau.  He was very confident in the visit that Jonny was doing great and well on his way to recovery but drew some labs to find how the kidneys were functioning.  He was not at all concerned with the level of swelling that Jonny has been experiencing as it was normal for what he has been through.  His blood pressure remains slightly elevated but it is of no concern and is expected for what he has gone through.

We received the lab results about 15minues ago and are very pleased to announce that his creatine was 1.08 which is normal.  Dr. Lau stated that the results were even better than he had anticipated.  He has lifted the renal diet stating that he should still watch his sodium intake but that everything else was okay to eat.  He also is able to stop the Tums with every meal and will just remain on the iron supplement as he is still somewhat anemic.  Dr. Lau stated that Jonny will probably continue to experience some swelling as his body continues to recover from the HUS but there is no concern with the kidneys any longer at this point.  He will draw labs in about a month to evaluate them again and if that goes well he will not need to be seen by him for approx. 6 months.

We could not have received any better news today.  Jonny is of course thrilled especially with no longer having to follow the renal diet and we are thrilled with not having to argue with him about it any more.  We just wanted to thank you all again for your continued support and prayers.  It has been a very difficult journey through all of this but it has also taught us much.  Primarily of what an amazing community that we are surrounded by.  We can not imagine going through any of this without the support of our family and community.  Words cannot express our appreciation for each and everyone of you. 

With deepest thanks,

Jonny and Laurie

Sunday, February 1, 2009


The blood pressure is up some more (140/90), but with the appointment with the doctor tomorrow, we'll need to wait on labs...unless it gets to 150/100, in which case, it would be drawn today.

Food choices continue to be limited. Its not the phospates and potassium as much as it is avoiding sodium.

We'll update this after our visit to the new doctor... Thank you for your continuing prayers.